We held our departmental awards ceremony on May 30, 2024. Congratulations to all our honorees!
Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award: Andre Ye
Outstanding Graduating Senior Awards: Jesscia Li, Rhea Shinde
Graduate Student Choice Award: Rhea Shinde
Kenneth Clatterbaugh Scholarship: Fevet Ibrahim
Kenneth R. Parker Award for Excellence in Community Service: Jason Cappelloni
Thomas Hankins Prize in History & Philosophy of Science: Jesscia Li
Service Award: Madeline Lewis Potter
College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Medal Nominee: Jesscia Li
Husky 100: Mitchell Klein
Philosophy Writing Center Tutors: Jason Cappelloni, Rylan Garwood, & Jesscia Li
Undergraduate Philosophy Journal, The Garden of Ideas: Rhea Shinde (Editor-in-Chief), Andrew Shaw (Editor, Editor-in-Chief 24-25)
Department of Philosophy Graduate Teaching Award: Aaron Barker
Fulbright Open Study/Research Award: Aaron Barker
Editorial Fellow, AMA Journal of Ethics: Nicolai Wohns
Harlan Hahn award in Disability Studies: Andrew Brown
Robinson Faculty Initiative Grants: Sosseh Assaturian
Pamela Saari Research and Workshop Grant: Colin Marshal