Ben Rabinowitz Series in Environmental Ethics

The Program on Ethics supports a series of lectures, workshops and symposia on the ethical dimensions of environmental policy and the human relationship with the natural environment. The series is organized by Stephen Gardiner, Professor of Philosophy and Ben Rabinowitz Professor of the Human Dimensions of the Environment.

Past Events

Date Title
May 6, 2024 Symposium: Environmental Ethics
March 2, 2023 Symposium: Dimensions of Climate Ethics
February 5, 2021 Workshop: Climate Justice in Broader Perspective
February 26, 2020 Workshop: Climate Justice and Responsibility
May 18, 2018 Lecture: Nancy Tuana, “The Forgetting of Race in the Anthropocene”
May 19, 2017 Symposium: Climate Justice
May 20, 2016 Symposium: Justice for the Future: Climate Ethics, Resisting Domination, and Treating Young People as Equals
May 29, 2015 Symposium: Intergenerational Justice: Stewardship, History, Limits
October 3, 2014 Symposium: Interdisciplinary Climate Ethics
March 7, 2014 Symposium: Intergenerational Ethics
October 18, 2013 Symposium: Climate Justice: For and Against

