Because the field of neuroethics is expansive, our work extends to a broad range of other ethical and philosophical issues. We explore questions of the invasiveness of technology, data security, and the difference between enhancement and therapeutic use. Our group aims to identify and explore relevant concepts, methods and experiences, and promote ethical and equitable research and development.
People: Sara Goering, Eran Klein, Tim Brown, Erika Versalovic, Ishan Dasgupta, Andreas Schönau, Natalia Montes, Darcy McCusker, Paul Tubig
NIH 1R61MH135407-01 “Novel multimodal neural, physiological, and behavioral sensing and machine learning for mental states” (R66/R31). PI Maryam Shanechi (University of Southern California); Sara Goering and Eran Klein, co-investigator for ethics integration. Total award $5,864,619 (2023-2028).
Tubig PA, Klein E. (2024) “Cognitive Enhancement as Transformative Experience: The Challenge of Wrapping One’s Mind Around Enhanced Cognition via Neurostimulation” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Published online 2024:1-16.
Borrmann, Versalovic, Brown, Scholl, Klein, Goering, Müller, and Kellmeyer (2024) “Situated and ethically sensitive interviewing: critical phenomenology in the context of neurotechnology” Ch. 10 in Neuro-ProsthEthics: Ethical Implications of Applied Situated Cognition (eds. Heinrichs, Beck and Friedrich). Springer.
Goering S and Klein E. (2023) "Why Taking Psychosocial Effects of Neurotechnology Seriously Matters", AJOB Neuroscience, 14:3, 307-309.
Klein, E. (2023) “What does it mean to call a medical device invasive?” Med Health Care Philos. May 3. PMID: 37131099.
Versalovic E, Goering S, Klein E. (2023) “Data, Privacy, and Agency: Beyond Transparency to Empowerment” American Journal of Bioethics. 22(7):63-5. PMID: 35737483.
Goering S, Brown TE, McCusker D, Montes N, Schönau A, Versalovic E, and Klein E. (2022) “Integrating Equity Work throughout Bioethics” American Journal of Bioethics 22(1):26-27. PMID: 34962194.
Dasgupta I, Schönau A, Brown T, Klein E, Goering S. (2021) “Does Closed-Loop DBS for Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Raise Salient Authenticity Concerns?” In: Jotterand F and Ienca M (eds). Artificial Intelligence in Brain and Mental Health: Philosophical, Ethical & Policy Issues (Advances in Neuroethics). Springer, Cham.
Versalovic E and Klein E. (2020) “Who Will I Be?”: Relational identity, living with ALS, and future-oriented decision-making.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. 29(4):617-29. PMID: 32892772.
Klein, E. (2020) “Brain-computer interface technology and the goals of medicine” In: Ramsey NF and Millán JDR, (eds). Brain-Computer Interfaces. San Diego: Elsevier BV; 329-340.
Goering and Specker Sullivan (2020) “Introduction to the Special Section: Feminist Approaches to Neurotechnologies” IJFAB 13(1): 89–97
Dasgupta, Versalovic, Schönau, Klein and Goering (2020) “BCI Mediated Action and Responsibility: Questioning the Distinction Between Non-Disabled Recreation and Disability-Related Necessity.” AJOB Neuroscience, 11(1): 63-65.
MacDuffie and Goering (2019) “Neurotechnologies cannot seize thoughts: a call for caution in nomenclature” AJOB Neuroscience, 10(1): 23-25.
Klein E. (2019) “Informed consent for next generation DBS in psychiatric research: Engaging end users to understand risks and improve practice” In: Racine E and Cascio A (eds). Research Involving Participants with Cognitive Disabilities & Differences: Ethics, Autonomy, Inclusion, and Innovation. Oxford University Press; 149-160.
Goering S and Klein E. (2019) “Neurotechnologies and Justice by, with and for Disabled People” In: Wasserman DT and Cureton A (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. Oxford University Press; 616-632.
Klein E and Rubel A. (2018) “Privacy and ethics in brain-computer interface research” In: Nam CS, Nijholt A, and Lotte F (eds). Brain-Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical Advances. CRC Press; 653-668.
Goering (2017) “Thinking Differently: Neurodiversity and Neural Engineering” Handbook of Neuroethics (eds. Rommelfanger and Johnson), pp. 37-50, Routledge.
Klein E. (2017) “Neuromodulation ethics: Preparing for brain-computer interface medicine” In: Illes J and Hossain J (eds). Neuroethics: Anticipating the Future. Oxford University Press; 123-143.
Klein E and Ojemann J. (2016) “Informed consent in implantable BCI research: identification of research risks and recommendations for development of best practices”. Journal of Neural Engineering. 13(4):043001. PMID:27247140.
Klein E and Nam C. (2016) “Neuroethics and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs)” Brain-Computer Interfaces 3(3):123–5.
Klein E. (2015) “Informed Consent in Implantable BCI Research: Identifying Risks and Exploring Meaning” Science and Engineering Ethics 22(5):1299–317. PMID:26497727.
Klein E, Brown T, Sample M, Truitt AR, Goering S. (2015) “Engineering the Brain: Ethical Issues and the Introduction of Neural Devices” Hastings Center Report 45(6):26–35.
Klein (2014) “Models of the Patient-Machine-Clinician Relationship in Closed-Loop Machine Neuromodulation” In: Van Rysewyk SP and Pontier M, editors. Machine Medical Ethics. Springer; 273-290.