People - Job Market Candidates
Ph.D. 2023
Office Hours: Monday 1:20pm - 3:20pm
African American, Ancient, Philosophy of Language, Political Philosophy, Race and Ethnicity, Social Justice, Social Philosophy
Ph.D. 2023
Office Hours: M/W 11:00 am – noon, or by appointment at "the Big Table" on 3rd floor of Savery Hall
SAV 384
Bioethics, Critical Theory, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Medicine, Minority and Race Politics, Political Philosophy, Public Policy, Race and Ethnicity, Social Justice, Values
Ph.D. 2023
Office Hours: By appointment.
Winter 2023: Wednesday and Friday 1:30pm - 2:30pm (Savery, Third Floor at the big table outside the philosophy office)
Animal Rights, Applied Ethics, Climate Change, Economics, Environment, Ethics, Geoengineering, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Sustainability
Ph.D. 2021
Office Hours: By appointment
384 Savery Hall
Applied Ethics, Disability, Ethics, Global Justice, Immigration, Medical Ethics, Neuroethics, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy