PHIL 401 A: Advanced Topics in Philosophy

Autumn 2022
TTh 12:30pm - 2:20pm / SAV 168
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

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Ethics of Immigration

Autumn 2022

Instructor: José J. Mendoza  


Office: Savery Hall 385

Office Hour: Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-3:30pm


Course Description

This course is designed as a  survey to some of the principal authors, ideas, concepts, and problems found in the ethics of immigration.


Required Texts

All Texts will be available on Canvas.



Reading Quizzes (30% of course grade or 1.2 of the 4.0 total)

Two Short Writing Assignments (each worth 15% of course grade or 0.6 of the 4.0 total)

Final Paper (40% of course grade or 1.6 of the 4.0 total)


Grading Scale

(roughly each 1% increment between grades is equivalent to 0.1)

A          95% = 4.0

B          85% = 3.0

C          75% = 2.0

D         65% = 1.0

At the end of the quarter I will convert your course grade from a percentage to the UW 4-point scale using this metric: 95% and up is 4.0; 94% is 3.9; 93% is 3.8; etc.  Each 1% step is a 0.1 step on the UW 4-point scale. So an 86.1%, e.g., would give you a 3.1 on the UW scale. 85.5% rounds up to 86% (and thus 3.1), but 85.49% does not. At the bottom of the scale, however, 60% also rounds up to 0.7. See image below.Grade_Scale (1).png

Reading Schedule

Unit 1: Classic Open Borders Debate

September 29, 2022: Michael Walzer (1983): “Membership” (Chapter 2 of Spheres of Justice)

October 4, 2022: Michael Walzer (1983): “Membership” (Chapter 2 of Spheres of Justice)

October 6, 2022: Joseph Carens (1987): “Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders”

October 11, 2022: David Miller (2005): “Immigration: The Case for Limits”

October 13, 2022: Michael Blake (2005): “Immigration”

Supplemental and Background Readings


Unit 2: Freedom of Association and its Critics

October 18, 2022: Christopher Heath Wellman (2008): “Immigration and Freedom of Association”

October 20, 2022: Sarah Fine (2010): “Freedom of Association Is Not the Answer”

October 25, 2022: Shelley Wilcox (2014): Do Duties to Outsiders Entail Open Borders?”

October 27, 2022: Michael Blake (2012): “Immigration, Association, and Anti-discrimination”

November 3, 2022: Michael Blake (2013): Immigration, Jurisdiction, and Exclusion”

November 1, 2022: .José Jorge Mendoza (2017): The Ethics of Immigration Enforcement" (Chapter 5 of The Moral and Political Philosophy of Immigration)

Supplemental and Background Readings


Unit 3: Immigration Enforcement and Immigrant Rights

November 8, 2022: Arash Abizadeh (2008): “Democratic Theory and Border Coercion”

November 10, 2022: David Miller (2010): “Why Immigration Controls Are Not Coercive”

November 10, 2022:  Arash Abizadeh (2010): “Reply to Miller”

November 15, 2022: Joseph Carens (2008): "The Rights of Irregular Migrants"

November 17, 2022:  David Miller (2016): "The Rights of Immigrants" (Chapter 7 in Strangers in Our Midst)

Supplemental and Background Readings


Unit 4: Respecting and Resisting Immigration Law

November 22, 2022: Shelley Wilcox (2019): "How Can Sanctuary Policies be Justified?"

November 29, 2022: Grant J Silva (2019): "Migratorial Disobedience The Fetishization of Immigration Law" and Javier Hidalgo (2019): "Resistance at the Border" (Chapter 5 of Unjust Borders)

December 1, 2022: Javier Hidalgo (2019): "People Smuggling" (Chapter 6 of Unjust Borders)

December 6, 2022: Javier Hidalgo (2019): "Complicity and the Duty to Resist" (Chapter 7 of Unjust Borders)

December 8, 2022: Sarah Song and Irene Bloemraad (2022): "Immigrant Legalization: A Dilemma Between Justice and the Rule of Law" 

Supplemental and Background Readings



Catalog Description:
A study of philosophical topics at the advanced level. Topics vary.
GE Requirements Met:
Social Sciences (SSc)
Writing (W)
Last updated:
February 6, 2025 - 3:35 pm