PHIL 407 A: International Justice

Summer 2023 A-term
MTWThF 1:10pm - 3:20pm / SAV 132
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

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This course is designed to cover some of the main issues, authors, and topics in the contemporary philosophical literature on international justice. In particular this course will look at issues of global poverty, national self-determination, colonialism, and immigration. Links to all the readings for the course can be found in the Reading Schedule section below.

Meeting Times

This class is scheduled to meet Monday-Friday 1:10-3:20pm, in Savery Hall 132

Office Hours

Office hours will be held Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30-5:00pm, in Savery Hall 385

Assignment Guidelines

Short Writing Assignments (50% of course grade)

There will be three short writing assignments (about 150-250 words in length) for each reading.

Final Paper (50% of course grade)

This assignment should take no less than 4 pages to complete, but it should also be no longer than 10 pages. The format for this paper is as follows: double-spaced, 12-point font, in Times New Roman or something similar, and margins should be at least one inch wide but no more than 1.25 inches wide. Citations should follow either APA, MLA, or Chicago style. Papers should be turned in through Canvas and NOT by email.

Reading Schedule

June 20th: Peter Singer: “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” (1972)

June 21st: Continue

June 22nd: Charles Beitz: “Justice and International Relations” (1975)

June 23rd: Continue

June 26th: Brian Barry: "Humanity and Justice in Global Perspective" (1982)

June 27th: Continue

June 28th: Robert Goodin: "What Is So Special about Our Fellow Countrymen?" (1988)

June 29th: Continue

June 30th: David Miller: "The Ethical Significance of Nationality" (1988)

July 3rd:  Thomas Pogge: "Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty" (1992)

July 4th: Holiday (no class)

July 5th: Continue

July 6th: Michael Blake: "Distributive Justice, State Coercion, and Autonomy" (2001)

July 7th: Continue

July 10th: No Class

July 11th: Allen Buchanan: “Rawls’s Law of Peoples: Rules for a Vanished Westphalian World” (2000)

July 12th: Iris Marion Young: "Responsibility and Global Justice: A Social Connection Model" (2006)

July 13th: No Class

July 14th: No Class

July 17th: No Class

July 18th: Lea Ypi, Robert Goodin & Christian Barry: "Associative Duties, Global Justice & the Colonies" (2009)

July 19th: Daniel Sharp: "Relational Equality and Immigration" (2022)

Catalog Description:
Examines issues through investigation of the moral foundations of international politics. Issues include: What moral duties constrain the relationships between states? Is international poverty a matter of moral concern? Are we justified in preferring the interest of our fellow nations? Prerequisite: one course in philosophy.
GE Requirements Met:
Writing (W)
Last updated:
March 12, 2025 - 6:15 pm