PHIL 120 A: Introduction to Logic

Winter 2024
MW 3:30pm - 4:50pm / KNE 210
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Screenshot 2021-10-26 at 3.39.26 PM.png

Instructor: José J. Mendoza 


Office: Savery Hall 385

Office Hour: Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm

Course Description

This course is designed to improve a student’s reasoning skills and critical thinking capabilities. Towards these ends, we will explore some of the basic notions of logical reasoning and how they relate to critical argumentation. Students will learn what an argument is, what its basic parts are, how a good argument is composed, and how to evaluate it using formal and informal methods. We will learn the syntax and semantics of propositional logic and we will use them to test the validity of arguments. Topics we will cover in this course include consistency, proof, logical consequence, logical equivalence, logical truth, logical form, set theory, infinity, paradoxes, truth functionality, binary numbers, logic gates, truth tables, quantification, relations, functions, interpretations, models, soundness, and completeness. Students should find the skills they gain from this course to be useful in a variety of other disciplines, including those of law, literature, and the sciences.


Required Text

The Logic Course Adventure by Ian Schnee


TA Info:

Teaching Assistant: Anna Bates 

    • Sections: 
    • Office Hours: Fridays, 2:30 – 4:30PM
    • Email:

Teaching Assistant:  Jesus Raya

    • Sections: 
    • Office Hours: Tuesday, 3:30 – 5:30PM
    • Email:


Instructor email policy

Given the size of this class, we cannot answer content questions over email. Since many folks tend to have the same questions, we will primarily go over these questions during lecture or section. For personal matters that are not suitable for a public discussion, please do feel free in those sorts of cases to email the instructor or your TA. For questions about your grade email the instructor.


Grading and Course Requirements

There are three components of your grade:

  1. Homework: 30%
  2. Midterm Exam: 35% (February 7th)
  3. Final Exam: 35% (March 14th)


Grading Scale

A          95% = 4.0

B          85% = 3.0

C          75% = 2.0

D         65% = 1.0

Roughly each 1% increment between grades is equivalent to 0.1. At the end of the quarter we will convert your course grade from a percentage to the UW 4-point scale using this metric: 95% and up is 4.0; 94% is 3.9; 93% is 3.8; etc.  Each 1% step is a 0.1 step on the UW 4-point scale. So an 86.1%, e.g., would give you a 3.1 on the UW scale. 85.5% rounds up to 86% (and thus 3.1), but 85.49% does not. At the bottom of the scale, however, 60% also rounds up to 0.7. See image below.


Catalog Description:
Elementary symbolic logic. The development, application, and theoretical properties of an artificial symbolic language designed to provide a clear representation of the logical structure of deductive arguments. Offered: AWSpS.
GE Requirements Met:
Social Sciences (SSc)
Natural Sciences (NSc)
Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (QSR)
Last updated:
March 13, 2025 - 2:01 am