Michael Blake published a new book Justice & Foreign Policy. He also finished another book, jointly written with Gillian Brock, called Justice in Emigration: Debating Brain Drain. He created a radio show about paternalism, together with Simone Chambers and Arthur Ripstein of the University of Toronto. The show is: My Brother's – and My Sister's – Keeper, and it was broadcast on the CBC and Sirius XM. He developed an online course on ethics for University of Washington's Educational Outreach (UWEO), as part of their online degree completion program; the course, which is to be taught next year, is about disputed moral issues such as abortion, pornography, and the death penalty. He published several articles, including discussions of international criminal tribunals (for the San Diego Law Review) and justice in immigration (for Philosophy and Public Affairs).
Steve Gardiner published five articles, and gave keynote addresses at international conferences on climate ethics in Italy, the Netherlands, and at Notre Dame. He was also invited to present to the National Academies Committee on Geoengineering Climate, and to workshops at Harvard, Potsdam, and Oxford. He is a Simpson Center for Humanities Society of Scholars Fellow 2013-14.
Sara Goering's co-edited book (with Thomas Wartenberg and Nicholas Shudak) was published by Routledge in 2013. It is called Philosophy in Schools: An Introduction for Philosophers and Teachers, and includes sections on models for getting philosophy into K-12 schools, lesson ideas for elementary/middle, and high school, and strategies for assessing philosophy for children programs. She also has had a chapter called "Using Children's Literature as a Spark for Philosophical Discussion: Stories that Deal with Death" accepted for a volume called Ethics and Children's Literature (edited by Claudia Mills), Ashgate. Sara's says her biggest award was permission to take sabbatical leave for the academic year 2013/2014. She's using the time to read and write on topics in neuroethics, bioethics, and philosophy for children.
Carole Lee won a Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty (funded by the Mellon Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation), a Royalty Research Fund Scholars Fellowship (UW, deferred to 2014-2015), and a Simpson Center Society of Scholars Research Fellowship (declined). She published peer-reviewed papers in Philosophy of Science, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, and Episteme. She was also invited to give a talk at a conference on Implicit Bias & Philosophy which was funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the University of Sheffield.
Colin Marshall was hired as Assistant Professor in Modern Philosophy at UW. He was invited to present "Kant on Perception and Impenetrability" at Simon Fraser University. He published in the Journal of the History of Philosophy, Kant-Studien and Philosophical Quarterly.
John Manchak was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure and won the University of Washington Distinguished Teaching Award.
Bill Talbott collaborated with Michael Blake and Jamie Mayerfeld (Political Science), to develop and teach a new interdisciplinary course, PHIL/POL S/VALUES 207, Issues of Global Justice, in winter quarter 2012. Bill will be teaching that course again in winter 2013. On May 31, 2012 Bill presented a paper on "Cosmopolitanism, Human Rights, and the Next Great Religious Awakening" at a conference in Frankfurt, Germany. The highlight of the conference for Bill was getting to meet Jürgen Habermas and to have several philosophical conversations with him. This fall Bill published "Consequentialism and Human Rights" in Philosophy Compass. Bill continues to be active on the steering committee of the UW Center for Human Rights and as a principal investigator in the tri-campus research cluster on Human Interaction and Normative Innovation (HI-NORM).
Alison Wylie was named "Distinguished Woman Philosopher of the Year" for 2013 by the Society for Woman in Philosophy. She also gave an address at the British Society for the Philosophy of Science (BSPS) meetings in July, the European Philosophy of Science Association in August, and the Inter-American Philosophy Society meeting in Brazil in October. She also accepted a one-third appointment in Philosophy at the University of Durham in the UK for an initial three-year term. She will be joining a group of philosophers of science who are engaged in setting up a Center for Humanities Engaging Science and Society (CHESS) and several philosophers who have joined forces with their archaeology colleagues to establish a Center for Ethics of Cultural Heritage (CECH). She will also continue to be involved as a member of the Board of Associate Editors on Hypatia.
Graduate Students
Benjamin Hole won the Jane E. Simons Memorial Award for Outstanding Paper for "Elitism in Two Approaches to Virtue Ethical Theory: Aristotelian and Stoic" at Gonzaga University's Graduate Student Conference.
Mitch Kaufman received a fellowship from the Institute for Humane Studies, at George Mason University for 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
Janice Moskalik is one of the fellows for UW's Center for Philosophy for Children for 2013-14.
Amy Reed-Sandoval was awarded a 2012-2013 Jennifer Caldwell Fellowship from the UW Center for Human Rights, and a Melvin Rader 2013 Summer Grant for philosophical projects, which enabled her to return to Oaxaca, Mexico to teach a third intensive Philosophy for Children (P4C) course in the region. She is also one of the UW's Center for Philosophy for Children fellows for 2013-14.
Olin Robus was awarded the Philosophy Departmental teaching award for 2013.
Elizabeth Scarbough was award the UW Press Internship for 2013-2014 and the Oberlin Alumni Fellowship.
Ben Schwartz received his MA in the spring of 2013. He also was awarded a Melvin Rader 2013 Summer Grant, which enabled him to attend the 2013 Rotman Summer Institute on the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics.
Andrea Sullivan-Clarke published an article in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science: Part C. The title is "On the Causal Efficacy of Natural Selection: A Response to Richards' Critique of the Standard Interpretation."
Undergraduate Students
Ron Keller presented his paper "Redefining Intentionality" at Cultivating Underrepresented Students in Philosophy (CUSP) at Pennsylvania State University.
Kelci Mumford was awarded the George and Barbara Akers Scholarship for 2012-13, and the Herman S & Dorothy B. Lederman Humanities Scholarship for 2013-14.
Kaiwen Sun is one of the 14 Bonderman Travel Fellows of 2013.