Purchase your own legendary department "PHILOSOPHY I'm in it for the Money" t-shirt!
The t-shirts with the department logo and money slogan come in blue, olive or gray, and hats in white, taupe and gold cost $12. We also have t-shrts with only the department logo in citrus green, white, gold and oatmeal, plus short-sleeved t-shirts cut for women in yellow or white. The hoodies are vanilla (with logo and slogan) and heather grey (with and without slogan) which are $25.
Payment can be made in cash, by check or credit card.
To get your own t-shirt, hat or hoodie please come to the Philosophy main office or call 206-543-5855 or email philinfo@uw.edu. Shirts, hats and hoodies can be shipped for an additional mailing cost. We don't have every size in every color so let us know what you want before you order!