Join us on Friday, April 29th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the HUB 250 for the Benjamin Rabinowitz Workshop in Medical Ethics: “The Sickness of Society – What Kind of Equality Matters for Health?”
Download the full Workshop Schedule (PDF).
This interdisciplinary and international one-day workshop aims to assess which kinds of equalities are significant for public health policies and health care systems.
Erika Blacksher (Bioethics & Humanities, University of Washington)
Carina Fourie (Philosophy, University of Washington)
Hedwig (Hedy) Lee (Sociology, University of Washington)
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Political Science, Aarhus University, via video-conference)
Kristin Voigt (Philosophy; Institute for Health and Social Policy, McGill University)
Participation is free but space is limited. Register at:
Sponsored by: Department of Philosophy, Program on Values in Society, and the Benjamin Rabinowitz Endowment for Medical Ethics
Organized by: Carina Fourie, Benjamin Rabinowitz Assistant Professor in Medical Ethics
Check-in with coffee & snacks
Introduction & welcome
Erika Blacksher, Bioethics & Humanities, University of Washington (UW):
Rethinking responsibility for health: A social connection model
Chair: Danae Dotolo, School of Social Work, UW
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (via video-conference), Political Science, Aarhus University:
Discrimination in health: Do relational and distributive egalitarianism have conflicting implications?
Chair: Blake Hereth, Philosophy, UW
Lunch Break
Carina Fourie, Philosophy, UW:
Gender, status and the steepness of the social gradients in health
Chair: Paul Tubig, Philosophy, UW
Michael H. Esposito, Sociology, UW & Hedy Lee, Sociology, UW:
The consequences of contact with the criminal justice system for health in the transition to adulthood
Chair: Marie Neumann, Sociology, UW
Kristin Voigt, Philosophy; Institute for Health and Social Policy, McGill University:
Relational equality and the expressive dimension of public health policy
Chair: Sara Goering, Philosophy, UW
Wrap-up & final discussion: Speakers & audience