The Human Interactions / Normative Innovation (HI-NORM) Research Cluster of the University of Washington has organized the Normative Innovation, Human Rights & Democracy: Concepts and Strategies for a New Global Agenda International Conference on October 21-23 in Gowen Hall Room 1-A. The conference will feature
Monday, October 21
8:00 Opening
8:30 Talk 1: Human Rights, Property Rights, and the Environment
(Tilo Wesche, Carl von Ossietzky University)
09:30 Panel: Comments and Discussion
(Michael Forman, University of Washington; Amos Nascimento, University of Washington)
10:30 Talk 2: Justice, Migration, and Mercy
(Michael Blake, University of Washington)
11:30 Panel: Comments and Discussion
(Jamie Mayerfeld, University of Washington; Amy Reed-Sandoval, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Julio Covarrubias, Marquette University)
14:00 Session 1: Intersections on Cosmopolitanism and the Environment
(Adam Arnold, Pacific Lutheran University; Ivan Sandoval, University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
16:00 Session 2: Intersections on Human Rights and Migration
(Amy Reed-Sandoval, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Julio Covarrubias, Marquette University)
Tuesday, October 22
8:30 Introduction
9:00 Talk 2: Global Injustices and Human Rights
(Regina Kreide, Justus Liebig University, Giessen)
10:00 Panel: Comments and Discussion
(Jamie Mayerfeld, University of Washington; Monika Kaup, University of Washington)
11:00 Session 3: Intersections on Human Rights and Gender
(Christine Keating, University of Washington; Flávia Ávila, Federal University of Sergipe; Margaret
14:00 Session 4: Intersections on Normativity and Race
(Jonathan Warren, University of Washington; Marcus Johnson, University of Washington)
Wednesday, October 23
8:30 Introduction
9:00 Session 5: Perspectives from a New Generation of UW Scholars
(Grace Reinke, University of Washington; Dennis Young, University of Washington; Zaira Rojas, University of Washington; Marcus Johnson, University of Washington)
10:00 Roundtable: A Global Agenda for Future Collaborative Research
(All participants)
All are welcome to attend. For more information contact Jamie Mayerfeld.
Normative Innovation, Human Rights & Democracy: Concepts and Strategies for a New Global Agenda International Conference
Submitted by Kate Goldyn