Let creativity be your guide in creating a short video about “Why Philosophy?” Open to all UW students, no prior video creation experience is required.
In 2 minutes or less tell us “Why Philosophy?”: Why is philosophy important to today’s society? Why is philosophy important to study? Why is philosophy important to you?
This contest is possible thanks to contributions to the Friends of Philosophy Fund.
- One entry per student
- Open to all current UW undergraduates students, who are enrolled in a philosophy class from Winter 2019 - Winter 2020
- Two minutes or less in length
- Must be original content, not containing copyrighted material (i.e. commercial music)
- Submissions must be received by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 18, 2020 (extended deadline)
- Submit an entry form (upload your video via the form as an mp4 file)
- Fill out a personal release form and submit to Kate Goldyn at kgoldyn@uw.edu
- Submit personal release forms for any additional students featured in the video.
- Videos may not be shared publicly until April 1, 2020
- You may caption your video but it is not required. If your video is selected it will be captioned before it is shown. A script of the video may be asked for help in captioning
- No laws or UW rules can be broken in the creation of the video
All submissions may be shared on the UW Department of Philosophy YouTube channel and website
For students who are foreign nationals, prizes are subject to a standard 30% taxation rate.
Judging & Prizes
- Winners will be selected by a jury of Department of Philosophy faculty, graduate students, staff and advisory board members
- Judging criteria: relevance, creativity, and cohesive storytelling
- Prizes:
- First place: $500
- Second place: $250
- Third place: $100
Please contact Kate Goldyn, Department of Philosophy Outreach Coordinator at kgoldyn@uw.edu or Gina Gould, Department of Philosophy Undergraduate advisor at gsgould@uw.edu or call 206-543-5855.
For UW students:
- Allen Library Media Arcade: The Arcade's iMac Pros are designed for audio and video editing and creation, including Final Cut Pro X.
- Odegaard Learning Commons: The Odegaard library offers iMac Pros with Adobe creative suite including Premiere and iMovie.
- Student Tech Loan: Offers video cameras, laptops and audio equipment.
Music resources:
- https://www.adweek.com/digital/royalty-free-music/
- https://vidooly.com/blog/youtube-royalty-free-music-sites-for-creators/