Postdoctoral Scholar

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Ph.D, Social and Political Thought, York University, 2023
M.A., School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, 2014
B.A., Sociology (Honours) and Philosophy (Major), University of British Columbia, 2012
Andrew Ivan Brown is a postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Washington, Seattle. His interdisciplinary research examines ethical issues that arise from conceptual problems in biomedicine, especially surrounding mental disabilities, through both theoretical and ethnographic methodologies. He has recently done work on the sociophilosophical and affirmative dimensions of ADHD, the sociomaterial links between chronic traumatic encephalopathy and hypermasculinity in Canadian hockey leagues, and the discursive history of the Canadian “gay blood ban.” At UW, he is conducting qualitative research as part of the Caring for BRAIN Pioneers NIH-funded project with the neuroethics group.