Graduate Student Contact Information SAV 378 Office Hours Au23: T/TH 10-11a.m. via Zoom Fields of Interest Critical Pedagogy Feminism and Feminist Theory Immigration Latin American Philosophy for Children Philosophy of Law Political Philosophy Queer Studies Race and Ethnicity Social Philosophy Biography B.A., Philosophy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2021 Courses Taught Autumn 2023PHIL 242 AE: Introduction to Medical Ethics PHIL 242 AG: Introduction to Medical Ethics Spring 2023PHIL 242 AA: Introduction to Medical Ethics PHIL 242 AB: Introduction to Medical Ethics Winter 2023PHIL 115 AF: Practical Reasoning PHIL 115 AH: Practical Reasoning Autumn 2022PHIL 120 AA: Introduction to Logic PHIL 120 AC: Introduction to Logic PHIL 120 AD: Introduction to Logic PHIL 120 AG: Introduction to Logic Winter 2022PHIL 114 AE: Philosophical Issues in the Law PHIL 114 AH: Philosophical Issues in the Law