PHIL 441 A: Public Health Ethics

Winter 2021
TTh 10:30am - 12:20pm / * *
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Public Health Ethics 


Instructor: Carina Fourie

To contact me electronically, send me a message on Canvas via the Inbox

Class Discussion (Zoom): TTh PST

Office hours (Zoom): T 12-12.30pm & Th 12-12.30pm & 2.30-3.30pm PST

For the FULL SYLLABUS: click here 

What is this course about?

We will investigate public health ethics as a distinctive field of applied ethics. In order to do so, we will assess significant concepts such as ‘population’, ‘health’ and ‘equity’. In conjunction, we will be attempting to answer central normative ethical questions and to assess real-life public health programs and policies. For example, we will examine applied problems associated with pandemics (including the one we are currently living through!), vaccinations, racial disparities in health, ableism, HIV-AIDS, and global health and colonialism. We will also consider the particularity of the sciences associated with public health.

My central goals for this seminar are that you should come away with the following:

  • Content knowledge of key concepts and debates that are central to the ethics of public health. (Achieved through written assignments; quizzes)
  • Skills of conceptual analysis relevant for disembedding and assessing assumptions that underpin popular, scientific and philosophical debate about public health. (Achieved through written assignments; participation; quizzes)
  • Skills of conceptual analysis relevant for assessing the ethics of public health policies, programs and practices. (Achieved through written assignments; participation)
  • Skills of oral communication relevant for expressing and assessing philosophical perspectives in impromptu and informal settings. (Achieved through participation)
  • Enhanced philosophical reading, analysis, argumentation and writing skills. (Achieved through written assignments; participation; quizzes)

How will grading work?

I have adapted the course to try to suit our new circumstances and to ensure that you still receive a grade and full credit. The final grade for undergraduates will be based on points out of 4, determined in the following way:

  • Written assignments: 2 points:
    • Exposition: 0.5 (two submission opportunities; submit a minimum of 1; best of 2)
    • Policy assessment: 0.5 (two submission opportunities; submit a minimum of 1; best of 2)
    • Final Argumentative Essay: 1 point (compulsory to pass; can be revised if the initial grade is less than 80%)
  • Participation Self-Assessment & Quizzes: 2 points:
    • If you have good reason why you are unable to participate regularly, please consult me ASAP for alternative asynchronous arrangements.

For more detail, please read the documents on assignments under ‘Resources - Essentials’ in the Modules section of Canvas, and see the ‘Assignments’ sections in Canvas.

Course Modules - Quick Links

Resources - Essentials

Resources - As needed

Week 1: Introduction & Ethical Frameworks

Week 2: Ethical Frameworks; The "Public"

Week 3: The "health" of public health; Discrimination

Week 4: (Updated) Discrimination; Problems with maximizing 

Week 5: Infectious Disease 

Week 6: Infectious Disease (Continued); Injustice

Week 7: Injustice (continued)

Week 8: HIV-AIDS & the Human Right to Health

Week 9: HIV-AIDS & Rural Health in SA

Week 10: Science & Values







Catalog Description:
An in-depth study of the philosophical issues arising in the practice and policy of public health. Material consists mainly of texts from philosophy and ethics, but, due to the course's interdisciplinary nature, also includes papers from epidemiology, newspaper articles, and current public health regulations and campaigns.
GE Requirements Met:
Social Sciences (SSc)
Writing (W)
Last updated:
March 13, 2025 - 2:05 am