Awards Reception 2018

Submitted by Kate Goldyn on
Awards Reception

The Department of Philosophy continued its tradition this year of celebrating our award recipients with an Awards Reception held in our department home Savery Hall. Awards were given to recipients by faculty members who shared personal experiences they have had with the award recipients in the classroom and during office hours to the delight of family and friends.

Thank you to our many alumni and friends who make it possible for us to support our undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty in this way. Please considering making a gift to the Department to allow us to continue this invaluable support here.

Congratulations to all of our Award Winners!

The 2018 Philosophy Award Recipients:

Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award
Tianli Song

Outstanding Graduating Senior Awards
Nicola Laguardia & Johan Michalove

Graduate Student Choice Award
Joyce Diaz

Kenneth Clatterbaugh Scholarship
Hannah Martens

Kenneth R. Parker Award for Excellence in Community Service
Frederick Lancia

Thomas Hankins Prize in History and Philosophy of Science
Kaushal Mangipudi

Graduate Teaching Award
Joey Miller

Melvin Rader Summer Stipend
Paul Tubig

College of Arts & Sciences Alvord Fellowship in the Humanities
Sam Sumpter

College of Arts & Sciences Arlene Hunter Humanities Scholarship
Melanie Tate

Simpson Center Fellowships to Attend Digital Humanities Summer Institute
Anna Bates, Erika Versalovic, and Timothy Brown

Simpson Center Mellon Fellowship for Reaching New Publics in the Humanities
Paul Tubig

Daniel Gerler Faculty Fellowship
Conor Mayo-Wilson

Robinson Initiative Grant
Colin Marshall
