Colin Marshall (he/him/his)

Associate Professor
Colin Marshall

Contact Information

382 Savery Hall
Office Hours
Winter 2025: Mondays 9:30-11:30am on Zoom (email for link), or by appointment


Ph.D., New York University, 2010
B.A., Philosophy, Reed College, 2003

Colin Marshall received his BA from Reed College and his PhD from New York University. Before coming to the University of Washington, he was the Gerry Higgins Lecturer in History of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne. He was born and raised in northern New Mexico. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor of German Studies. His work focuses primarily on the history of philosophy (especially Kant and Schopenhauer) and issues in ethics.

Marshall is currently finishing two books: Ethical Persuasion: How to Change Minds without Lies, Bullshit, or Moral Compromise (under contract with U. Chicago Press) and Schopenhauer's Guide to a Tolerable Life (under contract with Princeton U. Press).


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