Ph.D. 2019

Graduate Certificate in Climate Science, University of Washington, Program on Climate Change, 2017
M.A. Philosophy, University of Washington, Seattle, 2015
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Studies, University of Kansas, 2013
M.A. Philosophy, Rhodes University, South Africa, 2012
B.A. (Hons), Philosophy & Organizational Psychology, Rhodes University, South Africa, 2010
Alex Lenferna completed his PhD in the philosophy department in 2018 with a dissertation entitled Equitably Ending the Fossil Fuel Era: Climate Justice, Capital and the Carbon Budget. He now works as a post-doctoral research fellow in the Nelson Mandela University Department of Development Studies, where he continues research and education on climate justice. He also serves as secretary of the South African Climate Justice Coalition - a civil society coalition dedicated to advancing a transformative climate justice agenda. For more information about Alex and his work, please visit his personal website.