S. Marc Cohen earned his bachelor's degree in philosophy at Brandeis and his doctorate at Cornell. Prior to coming to the University of Washington in 1973, he taught at Minnesota, Rutgers, Berkeley, and Indiana. He specializes in the history of ancient Greek philosophy, and has also taught courses in logic, the philosophy of language, metaphysics, and the philosophy of mind. His publications have mainly concerned the metaphysics and epistemology of Plato and Aristotle. Much of his recent work is available on the internet, including Project Archelogos (a hypertext analysis of the works of Aristotle) and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (the entry on Aristotle's Metaphysics). Copies of most of his earlier articles and reviews are available for download from his web site. The fifth edition of his Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy (Hackett Publishing Co.) is scheduled to be released by the end of 2015.