José Jorge Mendoza, “What’s The Trouble With “Latinx”? A Qualified Defense of a Vilified Term” APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 24.1 (2024): 2-7.
Today there are many who recommend we stop using the term “Latinx.” They argue that it is grammatically inaccurate, susceptible to the domination objection, and lacks respect for the Latin American community. This essay, however, offers a qualified defense of the term. It suggests ways in which a proponent of “Latinx” might respond to each of these objections and in doing so gives the best possible case for “Latinx.” This case will be more of a pyrrhic victory than anything else, but it does show that for the moment “Latinx” is the best possible term to use to refer broadly to the Latin American community in places like the U.S.
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