Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Emmerman, Karen S. "What's Love Got to do With It? An Ecofeminist Approach to Inter-Animal and Intra-Cultural Conflicts of Interest." Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22, no. 1 (2019): 77-91. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
Animal Rights, Applied Ethics, Ethics, Family, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Food, Jewish Studies, Moral Philosophy, Women |
Rosenthal, Michael A., “Prophetic Style and Ethical Experience in Hermann Cohen and Spinoza,” in Jewish Studies Quarterly, Issue 25 (2018), 1-18. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
17th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, Aesthetics, Early Modern Philosophy, Ethics, Jewish Studies, Religion |
Rosenthal, Michael A. "Spinoza on Circumcision and Ceremonies." Modern Judaism 36 (2016): 42-66. |
Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters |
17th Century, Early Modern Philosophy, German, Jewish Studies, Law and Political Thought, Modern Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Religion |
Melamed, Yitzhak Y. and Rosenthal, Michael A., eds., Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise: A Critical Guide, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. |
Publications, Books |
17th Century, Early Modern Philosophy, Intellectual History, Jewish Studies, Modern Philosophy, Philosophy, Political Theory, Religion |